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Is Thetahealing® a Bad Practice?

Have you ever heard about Theta Healing? It is a meditation method claiming to change brain wave patterns. Allegedly, it should allow practitioners to browse through their emotional energy, which leads to developing natural immunity.

Let's review this method together. The technique was created in 1995. Theta healing draws inspiration from the Christian religion. The creator, Vianna Stibal, claims she healed her cancer this way. This phenomenon naturally occurs while the body is relaxing to the point when the mind can enter a certain state of calmness - Equanimity. (Anderson, Wisneski, 2005) This state is supposedly found between the Alpha and Theta points of EEG reading. It is the first method to be founded on western religious principles. If we open their website

When looking for objective data in scientific articles, we end up with little information. We find wild claims, such as you can evolve your DNA. The founder was caught in one particular interview saying according to a McGill University article, Vianna Stibal claimed it was possible for ThetaHealing® to grow back an ovary and an amputated leg. I find it also particular, that they want you to admit, that the money is a fake concept after paying for their services. (Jerry, 2019) These courses that will teach you healing through faith are also administered over the world. For example in the Czech Republic, you can have DNA basic reprogramming for 9 200 czk/390 usd/ 377 euro. (2022, ThetaDivine)

Theta wave is a brainwave with a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz. It can be measured within the cerebrum, or through electrodes attached to the head. We consider this wave to be focused inward. We place it right in between Delta and Alpha. It is commonly connected with creativity, daydreaming, and intuition. Through Theta we archive sensations, memories, and emotions in our brains. These waves tend to be present during meditation or prayer. We can also call it the state between being awake and asleep. This frequency is not often present in awakened states of mind in adults. We can observe this sensation in children up to 13 years old. It is theorized that this wave might showcase activity in the limbic system and hippocampal regions. While experiencing anxiety, our brain is in a state. When the rhythm seems normal on EEG, it promotes complex behaviors, for example, learning. NHA Health states: "Theta is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation, and behavioral inhibition. Under unusual emotional circumstances, such as stress or disease states, there may be an imbalance of three major transmitter systems, which results in aberrant behavior."

When this wave is being enhanced, it can bring forth a trance-like state. While Theta is decreased, it might improve our concentration. (NHA Health) More prevalent Theta activity induces frequent nightmares, as individuals with increased Theta are more likely to put effort into processing emotions and experiences while dreaming. (Hoover, 2018) In REM sleep hippocampal along with cortical Theta rhythm are both predominantly exhibited. (Squire, 2012)

In one particular study, in 2015 Theta healing method was studied briefly for possible usage in clinical practice. "Measurements were obtained with a dual EEG system with 2 × 32 channels, allowing for simultaneous EEG measurements of the healer and client." (Hinterberger, Thilo, von Haugwitz, Anna Schmidt, Stefan, 2016) Both groups were made of 10 volunteers while measuring EEG. Theta frequency increase in healers or clients was not confirmed. On the contrary, a significant decrease was discovered in the theta-2 band during the healing. Small correlations were seen between the Fourier amplitudes of healer and client in the theta-2 band, as well as small phase synchronicities in theta frequencies." (Hinterberger, Thilo, von Haugwitz, Anna Schmidt, Stefan, 2016)

In conclusion, this method might be usable. However, it should not be the only healing method used. It should be administered only with conventional medicine. The fact it helps someone does not necessarily mean, it is a valid method to be commonly used. It actually could be a dangerous method to be used without any training. From the website of Mrs. Stiba,l it seems to be quite apparent, that their courses are very brief and itself cannot possibly be enough to build up enough knowledge to start "healing" people. Much more needs to be researched before this method can be freely used.


Anderson, Lucy, Wisneski, Len, 2005, The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine. Book Review. George Washington University Medical Center. Available here:

Hinterberger, Thilo, von Haugwitz, Anna Schmidt, Stefan, 2016, Does a Healing Procedure Referring to Theta Rhythms Also Generate Theta Rhythms in the Brain? Article. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol. 22. No. 1. Available here:

Hoover, Rowan, 2018, We've started to uncover the true purpose of dreams. Article. News Scientists. Available here:

Jarry, Jhonatan, 2019, ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed. Article. McGill University. Available here:

NHA Health, 2022, Brain Wave Frequencies. Article. NHA Health. Available here:

Squire, Larry, 2012, Fundamental Neuroscience, Fourth ed. Amsterdam. p. 1038. ISBN 978-0-12-385871-9

Thetadivine, 2022, Seminars. Website. Avaiable here:

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